Because I like to draw and paint…


Black Widow.

This painting was inspired by…Halloween perhaps?  I really don’t know, I was just playing around with the ‘cartoon’ look and colors!  But, we’ll just say it’s festive for the upcoming Spooky Day 🙂

“Black Widow”, acrylic and ink on canvas board, 9×12.

White Pencil Drawing.

I created this drawing from a magazine advertisement for an art class.  I used a white pencil/charcoal on dark gray paper, and used varying degrees of pressure, blending, and shading to create the depth and shadows on her face, neck, and clothing.

Goodbye, Alice in Wonderland.

To date, this is one of my favorite creations.  It is entitled “Goodbye Alice in Wonderland.”  I used a basic oil base, and filled in details with acrylic and ink.  I painted it as a satire on pop culture and current events, leaving the impression that Alice has left Wonderland, and entered Holly-Weird, full of its own oddities and curiousities.

Can you identify some of the references, both in the pop culture/political realm and from the ‘Alice’ books?


Thrill the World!

Totally doing it this year! Ha!

Random Sketch.

Sometimes, if I am bored, or need something to focus on other than…well, whatever it is I am focusing on at the moment, I sketch.  Most of my sketches are doomed to the trash, as they are often ideas I’ve mapped out for paintings.  But, sometimes they stick around…

His Name is Jack.

Since my favorite holiday (Halloweeeeeeennnnnn) is just around the corner, and Disneyland is probably in the process of decking out one of my favorite rides to look like ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’, I thought the first official post should be Jack…

This belongs to one of my best friends (Hi T.!!).  I painted it for her as a birthday gift.  I used acrylic paint on an 8×10 oval canvas, and enhanced it with glitter paint and hand applied beads. 

Do you love Halloween?  If so, what do you love the most about it?



Congratulations, You’ve Visited My New ART Blog!

To those of you who know me (and those of you who don’t), my name is Angela.  I am a freelance family photographer (a la, but I love taking artistic photographs, drawing, and painting in my spare time.  This is where I will archive old works, and post new ones, plus the occasional random blog here and there 🙂

Thank you for stopping by and being patient while I get this one up and running.  In addition to the website, I blog at, and

What can I say, I like blogging as a hobby too!

